Thursday, June 17, 2004

It's a good day to ramble ::

Good morning everyone! Today is Thursday, June 17, 2004, and in my book, that means it's a good day to write about all sorts of unconnected things in a little routine that I sometimes like to refer to as rambling.

First order of business comes from last night. Corey picked my ass up about 8. We checked out the Rogan's tent sale because Corey wanted to buy running shoes. I told him to say screw it and just buy some Chuck Taylor All Stars. He didn't listen to me and couldn't find anything he liked. We then tried Scheel's. That's one big fucking store. I still insisted he buy the Chuck Taylor's. He still couldn't find any he liked. He's kind of cheap. We also looked at guns and knives and disc golf supplies. Then we went to the Y. It was too early to go home, so we gave old Jekyll's a try. It turned out to be a good choice, because seated at the bar we met trivia master Phred. We three had lots to talk about like school, trivia, and film. Well, mostly Phred and I, actually.

What's the story with the Friendster renaissance? I hadn't visited Friendster in months, and now all of a sudden in the last month I've been getting one add Friendster request after another. I think I doubled my Friendsters in a week. I'm hearing from lots of people from whom I hadn't heard in a long time - especially people from Minneapolis. Talk about your awkward reunions!

I'm getting my hair cut today. That's actually the biggest reason why I'm up so damn early. I fell asleep on the couch again last night, where there is no alarm clock, so I figured that when I woke up, I should probably stay up, so that way I wouldn't have to worry about falling back asleep and sleeping through my appointment.

My dad must be in some rush to get rid of me. Last night, he, my mom, and I went out for pizza at Butch's in Kimberly. While we were waiting on our food, my dad started asking what I was going to do with all of my stuff in the basement. He wasn't too happy when I told him that I had no intention of ditching it all just yet.

I'm thinking about taking up skateboarding. It's something that I've wanted to do since I was in junior high, I've brought it up a number of times, but I've never actually followed through. Maybe I need to just act upon my word for once, go to the damn skate shop, buy a board, and do what I've been saying I was going to do for years. Yeah, I'm ambitious, right?

Wow, we're only 4 days away from the start of summer. I could go for summer right about now. Actually, what I could really go for is an end to all this damn rain. I think everybody is sick of the rain. All this rain... grr!

posted at 08:58 AM | comments: (0)

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