Monday, June 09, 2003

Not really an apology ::

Fear not faithful readers, for although I may have neglected you over the last few days, I haven't forgotten you. I also didn't forget that yesterday was's 3rd birthday - I was just too busy to get online and make note of that fact. Of course, I have the next two days free again. Since I last wrote to you, I have been to Peggy's, MT Pockets, Route 66, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Grumpy's as the Tavern Tour moved forward. I was, of course, supposed to go to The Speakeasy last Wednesday, but they were closed before I could even get there, so now I'm going there tonight instead. All that has pretty much filled my freetime, yet I still haven't gotten a chance to post my reviews. Don't worry about me forgetting though, as most of the reviews are written, and those that aren't are sitting in my little black book of notes.

Work has been, well, frankly, work. Yeah, I've been going, I've been doing my thing, and then I've been going home. Nothing too exciting, yet nothing much to complain about. I guess that's about the best I can home for, because, after all, it's still a job. I really never will be able to handle this whole 40-hour-work-week thing.

posted at 01:57 AM | comments: (6)

Yep. Work is work. Thanks for making me feel better about my job - atleast I have a lot of fun. I apparantly have a knack for finding jobs where they expect you to slack off.

posted by Molly | June 09, 2003 @ 10:35 AM

Maybe I shouldn't be admitting this since a lot of people I work with now know about my website, but then again, they all know the truth anyway - we don't do a lot of work either. Sure, every once in a while a plane will come in and we might have to do something for a few minutes, but then it's pretty much back to sitting around for a while. I was thinking about it the other day and realized that I spend 50% of my time at work sitting around waiting for the last two planes to come in. My typical work day runs from 2 until midnight, a span of 10 hours. Our last outbound flight departs a little before 7. So, from 7 until midnight, a span of 5 hours - or half of my shift - I sit around waiting for the last two inbound flights to come in. Sure, there's a little more work involved with each of them because they have to be cleaned and all, but still, I spend half my day just dealing with those two flights.

posted by Krist | June 09, 2003 @ 11:33 AM

We get busy when we have shows in the evening but most of the big stuff will be done this month. I think I might get to meet the Little Conductor (Starr, not Carlin) in August. Whats so great about this job is that no one, not even the managers, has much to do so its just as likely to have the boss reading a magazine next to me as it is a part-timer.

posted by Molly | June 09, 2003 @ 01:09 PM

That tears it. I'm the only one who pretty constantly does actual work while at work. I work 8-5 all the time (except Sundays--they have me on this bullshit split shift that goes 7-10am and 2-4pm, as I have to be there when the Bakery trucks come but not be there when there's nothing to do because it's Sunday and everyone is at home), and I'm buzzing all around the entire time I'm there. Except for my lunch hour, which is bullshit too. Thankfully, I'll be leaving in August if everything goes according to plan. Then I'll be able to get a slacker job. Yeah.

posted by Annemarie | June 10, 2003 @ 07:08 PM

Well, that assumes you can find a job out there at all.

posted by Krist | June 10, 2003 @ 07:48 PM

I was happy to hear from my boss tonight that he was able to make enough to live in San Francisco bartending & working at a restaurant. Of course, it sounds like he had 4 roommates. So much for my hopes of having my own apartment if I move out there.

posted by Molly | June 10, 2003 @ 09:39 PM

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