Sunday, April 27, 2003

I have a question to ask of you... ::

I haven't worked on further updating those archives for two days now. I wouldn't say I gave up altogether, but rather that I'm debating doing something else. A comment by Molly 2 days ago got me thinking: why hang onto my old archives? I mean, really, what's the point? Most of the entries are really stupid anyway, so it's not like anyone, even myself, carries to ever read them again. So, my question for all of you is: what do I do with my old archives? Keep them? Delete them all? Keep them for a certain amount of time and then delete them? Keep only entries that I find interesting/funny and delete the rest? I have ideas for an answer to this question, but I would really like the input of others. BTW, if this makes a difference in anyone's response, remember that I don't really need blog archives for nostalgic purposes, as I already keep a handwritten journal - the archives are there more for others than they are for me. Although I only write about topics that interest me, this blog is written for all of you, which is why I don't write anything personal here. That all goes in my journal. Thanks!
posted at 11:22 AM | comments: (3)

I have blogger archive my posts but I've never put links to it on my site. I do like having it around for the two or three times a year I feel like reading some entries. But I don't keep a journal that would overlap with my posts. I guess I feel that archives are masturbatory - no one else gets much pleasure from them, or cares that they're there.

posted by Molly | April 27, 2003 @ 11:46 AM

Molly asked me to come here and comment, so that's what I'm doing. :) Hello random person who owns

Back when I did a more bloggy-ish site, I definitely had the problems with random crappy old posts. On the other hand, I also had a number of pretty cool lengthy interesting stories that I wanted to keep.

For now, I've got all of that stuff archived, and I'm going to keep the cool stuff, and muck the silly stuff. Only I'm moving the cool entries to their own "stories" page (eventually) instead of maintaining them as a weblog.

I currently maintain an online journal, and I just don't write about the overly personal bits. It allows anyone who knows me to keep tabs on what I'm doing (helpful since most of my friends are in other states). And I just don't update it if nothing interesting is going on -- I file most of my inane comments to IRC now. :) My weblog (which is a seperate thing) is really just a web-log -- it's a list of interesting links with very little commentary. I'm considering changing the format to allow more commentary if I want to have some, but I don't feel the need to ramble on and on about every little link I find like some of the political blogs I read.

So, there you go. I just archive all of it, on the off chance that someone wants to see it later. *shrug* I get a lot of interesting google searches that way. Hope that helped.

posted by John Wilson | April 27, 2003 @ 10:04 PM

Sometimes if I don't keep up with the site for a while (over a week or so), I have to go into the archives to know what's been going on. So I'm all for keeping stuff for a limited time and then banishing it forever. Nobody's going to go back and see what you were doing in 1999. More often than not, it's going to be boring anyway (like that one post where you did a "this day in Krist history" and it was really boring). Yep.

posted by Annemarie | April 30, 2003 @ 04:42 PM

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