Monday, April 14, 2003

Riot, Part II ::

The U wins another men's hockey national championship and the students riot again. What do you know?

Of course, the intelligence level of those involved becomes more obvious after reading quotes from several students in the article....

“'People were just going insane,' University first-year student Laura Swenson said. 'I went crowd surfing, which was completely awesome.'”

Explaining why he rolled three trash bins from sorority houses into the bonfire, third year student Seth had to say, "'I'm not doing it to be destructive, I just can’t stand police brutality.'"

And perhaps the top two quotes come from senior/moron Mark McSherry: "'People burn stuff because the cops keep chasing us and they keep Macing us. We’re going break stuff until they quit chasing us.'" and "'Riots are some of the top three memorable college times of my life. When else do you see all these students come together to do one thing?'"

I'm proud of my school, and I'm happy for the men's hockey team, but the rioting is among the stupidest things the students do all year long. They won't come together to protest rising tuition costs, less funding from the state legislature, or any other important matter, but the moment the hockey team wins a championship they're out there trashing campus and the surrounding businesses. Seeing all the cars they overturned and burned this year, I was lucky to get away with just a broken driver's-side mirror last year.

posted at 09:46 AM | comments: (4)

Oh wonderful. I wonder how the parking booths faired this year.

posted by Molly | April 14, 2003 @ 09:57 AM

I don't know about that, but I do know that several businesses got windows smashed and U Liquors got looted.

posted by Krist | April 14, 2003 @ 10:40 AM

Fucking go-tards. I knew that was going to happen, but I really hoped it wouldn't. I'm just glad I'm not down there, trying to ride my bike to campus through all that broken glass and burned shit. At least they had a Good Reason for doing it. I think the real root of that is the fact that those dipshit kids want the same kind of attention they got in Maryland last year. "Waaait. You can be on TV for acting like a dumbfuck? Cool."

posted by Annemarie | April 14, 2003 @ 07:39 PM

Oh yeah, and the quotes more than proved your point. Man, my car probably would have been destroyed also. I'm going to Minneapolis tomorrow, so I guess I'll get a chance to catch the aftermath, if there's anything still quite visible.

posted by Krist | April 15, 2003 @ 11:13 AM

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