Thursday, January 02, 2003

Happy (Belated) New Year ::

Hello everyone and a big happy new year to all. I know some of you are rather relieved that 2003 is here as you had a terrible 2002, and I for one can't blame you. Even so, I hardly went about ringing in the new year. I guess I could tell you what I did. Corey and I ended up picking up some liquor and mixers and brought them down to Jeff's in Oshkosh. Because it took Corey so long to shower and get ready, it was 11 already by the time we got there, which didn't leave too much time to party before midnight. That turned out not to matter much anyway, as nobody really seemed to care when 12 o'clock came and went. Beside the two of us, also there were Jeff, Mike, and Erik. Corey and I were really the only two who partook in the drink. The night was mostly spent shooting the shit, listening to music, watching a little tv, and watching someone play SOCOM. About 5:30 everyone but yours truly started to tire and decided to turn in. By then I had hit my second wind was ready to keep going, but as everyone else was passing out, I didn't really have a lot of choice. I was in and out throughout the morning. Sometime in the mid-afternoon Mike got up and Corey followed shortly after him. We ordered pizza and spent more time shooting the shit. Corey finally drove he and I home sometime around 4. And, that my friends, is how I spent New Year's. Not all that exciting, but still beats staying home.

From 8:30 until 3 today (and then at the same time tomorrow) I attended the substitute teaching class at CESA 6 in Oshkosh. I don't know as that I actually have learned anything new as much as have had things I already knew pointed out to me. Essentially what I mean is that since I'm not all that far removed from high school myself, I could rather relate to most of the classroom management techniques that were introduced. I might not have thought of them on my own, but seeing them demonstrated produced a couple "Oh yeah"-s out of me. We have homework for tomorrow too - we're supposed to come up with a back-up lesson plan for in the event that we were to arrive for a class and the teacher didn't get a chance to prepare one her/his self. Joy.

posted at 04:14 PM | comments: (0)

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