Wednesday, December 11, 2002

This Day in My History (Since 1998, of course) ::

Every once in a while I become curious as to what I've been upto on this particular day in years past. Since my journals only go back as far as 1998, that's all the farther I can go, but I'm sure there's plenty I can find. Let's see....

1998: I hung out at the Foxfire in downtown Minneapolis. I was going to hang out at Espresso Expose, but they had closed at 8 because of winter break (I stuck around campus a few extra days to catch the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion show). Some band was having a CD-release party and there were lots of Radio K-types hanging around. There was also a photographer there from Request Magazine snapping photos for a story on underage clubs. He took a number of photos of me, but none of them ended up in the magazine. Of course, picture he took of these two girls who were there did later make it into the magazine.

1999: My mom called me at 9:30 in the morning because Yahoo! was down, so she couldn't access her email account to see the list of ideas I'd sent her for Christmas. This was rather early for me, as I was recovering from a late night out with Petey. I had gone to see some play Petey was in, then we went to the Dillinger 4/The Strike show at the Weisman, and then we had come back to my dorm room, ordered a pizza, and watched Can't Hardly Wait. He left around 2, but I was up yet for a while after that. Back to that day, I lazed away the day and wrote a letter to Janine. Annemarie and I showed up at Bijou that night, but Steve (the projectionist) didn't know he was supposed to bring the film with him from St. Paul. Luckily I was prepared for just such a situation and had some video cassettes along with me. Annemarie and I watched Youth Culture, Antoine Rockamore's Chinese Proverbs, and Midnight Madness. I then went home and watched more tv.

2000: It must have been a rather uneventful day. There's nothing written in my journal and the blog just mentions me looking for a new host to replace Crosswinds. I know the day before I saw Man or Astroman? at First Avenue, and the day after I skipped class while I hurriedly wrote my film journal entries for Marty's class and dropped them off in his office before the deadline.

2001: Once again, my journal lists nothing. There's an entry from a week later which states that the previous two weeks had been boring and uneventful. According to my blog, I spent the day working on my "Amos & Andy" presentation. I was in a rush to prepare the presentation, for it had to be given the next day. That didn't end up happening, as I showed up for class a minute late and the teacher had already skipped me. I got to give the presentation a few days later, but having spent all day Tuesday on rushing to prepare the presentation was wasted. I also worked the box office at the film society that night, after which I went to the library to check out books for the presentation.

Isn't that all so exciting ladies and gentlement? Ah... a walk through my Memory Lane with recollections that having nothing to do with you. How nice.

posted at 10:45 AM | comments: (0)

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