Saturday, November 30, 2002

The Day after Thanksgiving and All That Jazz ::

I went out Friday morning and bravely fought the day-after-Thanksgiving crowds. This was my first experience shopping on this day. I went out partially as an anthropological study and partially to take advantage of the good deals to be had. I bought myself a couple cd's, a couple dvd's, a video game, and a pair of shoes. I really didn't think it was all that bad except for the pain in the ass of standing in long lines at the checkout. I guess I survived.

Then tonight I started out by going over to Matt and Carrie's, where we once again played Trivial Pursuit. This time, for the first time, we finished with a winner. I must have bounced back-and-forth over that damned center spot for 2 hours before I finally landed on it and got the question right. Then the three of us and Corey went drinking at Raven's, where we were until 2:30. I dropped Corey at Matt and Carrie's so he could get his car and go home, and then the rest of us hopped in my car and drove to Perkins. Service was slow and shitty, so we acted and tipped accordingly. Now I'm home and getting good and ready to climb into bed.

Of course, this being Thanksgiving weekend, The Brat is home. He went out hunting Thursday morning and shot a buck by 9. By the time I got to my grandma's Thursday morning they already had it hanging in the garage. The rest of my family is going back to Grandma's Saturday to cut it up, but I'm not going along. I don't hunt them, I don't kill them, and I don't cut them up. My grandma asked then if I eat them, but truthfully, I could more than easily go without. I don't exactly wake up in the morning craving venison.

While The Brat still thinks he impresses people by hanging my mom's cell phone from his pants pocket, it seems he pretending to look intellectual. He got a haircut on Friday, after which he came home, shaved off his lame-ass goatee, and then proceeded to wear his reading glasses the rest of the day. I'm not fooled, but I guess I just know him too well.

I guess maybe it's time for bed.

posted at 04:12 AM | comments: (0)

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