Friday, November 15, 2002

Please, Relax While I Vent ::

8 of the 9 AL Gold Glover winners are from Western Division teams?! What the fuck?! Did I miss something? I know about their offensive skills, but did I quietly miss Eric Chavez, Bret Boone, John Olerud, and Ichiro Suzuki having great defensive seasons? Fuck the Gold Glove! I can understand Molina and A-Rod and Erstad, and, of course, Torii Hunter. I can even believe Kenny Rogers (although I doubt he deserved it more than anyone else). How is it that the best defensive team in the AL (the Twins - duh) only finds one of its members awarded a Gold Glove? You're going to tell me with a straight face that Eric Chavez had a better season than Cory Koskie, John Olerud had a better season than Doug Mientkiewicz (or Scott Spiezio for that matter), and Ichiro had a better season than Jacque Jones? I don't think you watched the same 2002 season I did then. And it's not as if I'm a big fan of the AL East and all its high-spending teams, and not meaning to take anything away from A-Rod's season, but didn't anybody taken note of Mike Bordick's errorless game streak at short? Come on, he broke one of Cal's records! Sure, maybe his bat can't compare with that of A-Rod, but the Gold Glove is supposed to be a DEFENSIVE award. I guess nobody caught on to that part. Anyway....

The Brat is home this weekend. And, of course, he came home and instantly took over the house. Left his dirty-clothes bag sitting by the door, signed onto the computer, and then went in the shower. I keep telling my dad to make him pay for his own gas if he thinks he needs to come home this often, but he won't. Fucking spoiled, spoiled brat.

I went with Corey to a conference on globalization at Ripon College in Ripon (birthplace of the Republican Party!) last night. I guess he gets extra credit for some poli sci class for attending. Anyway, the guy speaking was from the AFL-CIO, and as expected, he toed the typical labor union line. He said absolutely nothing that none of us hadn't heard before, and then his answers to the questions were less-than-satisfactory. I asked him about the motivation of corporate execs and politicians to create change when their jobs are potentially on the line if they do, and, seeing that I was a "young person," he gave me some line about colleges and sweat shops that didn't even remotely answer my question. Bah, it was half-way interesting just to watch and listen to the other people. I especially enjoyed the guy who refered to himself as an "intellectual" as he relayed a story about being at a Wellstone rally a few weeks back. Afterward Corey and I went to the Cold Shot for a couple beers.

Okay, so I'm not totally sure what's going on tonight. I tried calling Matt and Carrie, but I guess they're just going to sit home watching anime. Corey is working until 11. I hear Amelia is in town, so I might try calling her, but for some reason I doubt she isn't already out for the evening. I'll find something....

I suppose I should sign off. I'm told The Brat wants to get on.

posted at 07:32 PM | comments: (0)

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