Saturday, October 26, 2002

Is He a Man? Is He a Mouse? It's Time We Had One on the House. ::

Another "exciting" Friday night is in the books ladies and gentlemen. I started out the night watching L.A. Confidential with my dad as I waited for Matt and Carrie to call me back. It quickly became apparent that they weren't calling, so I called them. Matt invited me over, but they couldn't think of anything to do. And they were tired. They went to bed at 10 and I left. 10 is way too early to end a Friday evening, so I needed to move on. Figuring Corey and Erik should be out of work soon or already, I first drove by Corey's, but nobody was there. Then I made a voyage across town to Erik's room at the Colonial Inn (a bona fide roach motel if I've ever seen one). He said Corey got done at 11, so we watched the CNN coverage of the Russians storming the theater in Moscow and then drove out to the airport to meet Corey. When he got done we drove to Corey's so he could change clothes and then went to Frank's. We ended up sitting there eating and shooting the shit until 1:30. Then I ran both of them home, drove around town looking if anything else was going down, and then came home. It was nice to finally go out without having to go drinking. It's as much that I mind drinking as that I don't understand why everyone seems to insist that just because we're of age the only recreational activity we can partake in is imbibing alcohol. It just gets old.

Oh to be in the Twin Cities and have money! For one, I just got emails from both the film society and the german listserve telling me that the original 1977 Jakob the Liar is screening this Sunday at the Bell with director Frank Beyer present. And then for two, Icelandair is running a deal right now for $198 round trip tickets to Iceland in November. Of course, that price doesn't include airport user fees, insurance, or post-September 11th security fees, which would add another $100, but it's still a good deal. I'd love to go back there, even in November.

And now how about the shock of the day: Paul Wellstone killed in a plane crash. Wow - I'm speechless here. I don't care what conservatives and Republicans say, he served the people of Minnesota well for 12 years and now, only about 2 weeks before election day, he's gone. It's a sad day not just for all the people of Minnesota, but for the country.

posted at 02:40 AM | comments: (3)

What do you think about Mondale stepping in?
I'm predicting that Coleman no longer stands a chance. I don't believe set rep. & set dem.s will change their minds but I think a lot of the undecideds will go for Mondale.

posted by Molly | October 27, 2002 @ 08:25 PM

I was pretty sure that Wellstone would win anyway, but I think Mondale is almost a lock. A lot of it will depend upon how and what word the Coleman camp gets out in these last few days before the election. Even so, Mondale is still hugely popular in Minnesota, and I think he'll gather the Democrat vote and most of the independent and moderate vote. Of course, it all remains to be seen until after the election.

posted by Krist | October 31, 2002 @ 06:55 AM

I thought Wellstone would manage to eke out the win but it'd be pretty damn close.
Now, well, during the memorial service, broadcast live across the state, some jackass yelled "Win this one for Wellstone" almost 15 times during his speech and another jackass singled out republicans telling them to forget their politics and win it for Wellstone. Thats one hell of a powerful message sent out. All of this while Coleman was still pausing his campaign out of respect.

posted by Molly | October 31, 2002 @ 10:04 AM

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