Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Yeah, I'm Still Here ::

I've stayed away for the better part of 5 days (not counting that little post yesterday morning) not because nothing has happened, but rather because I just haven't had enough ambition to sign on. Between this job I'm at right now and a roller coaster of events outside of work it's difficult to build up additional ambition when I have a free moment. At any rate, I'm here now, so I might as well write something.

How 'bout 'dem Twins? 1-0! Working until 4:30, I didn't get home until damn near 5, but luckily I only missed the first 4-1/2 innings. I'm not sure if I should be disappointed about missing the opening 2 innings or relieved. I must admit that Eddie had me a little worried in the 9th, but thankfully they pulled through. Most surprising to me is the choice of pitchers for this postseason. While Radke starting today didn't surprise me, Hudson did. Why would you start a righty against the best hitting team against righties in the AL? It especially becomes more confusing when you take into account how poorly the Twins have hit off of lefties this year. As for tomorrow's game, why are the Twins starting Mays instead of Reed? I know Mays is a great pitcher when he has his best stuff, but right now I don't think he does. On the other hand, Reed has been pitching awesome as of late and deserves the start more. I didn't hear who's supposed to go up against Zito on Friday, but I sure hope it's Reed and not Milton.

Okay, away from baseball now. Last weekend I did a lot of drinking. Hell, I started before the weekend. Thursday night Matt, Carrie, and I went to The Bar and I downed a few pints of Leinie's. Friday night Corey and I went to Jim's Place and I downed a few bottles of Rolling Rock. Saturday was Octoberfest here in Appleton, so you can only imagine. I went downtown with Matt and Carrie about 2. First I had a couple of beers and a tiger paw. Then Carrie spoke with the spirits and I had another beer. Then we gorged at Friar Tuck's. Then I lounged on the couch while Carrie dowloaded anime and Matt chased the back-up food supply. Then we went to The Bar, I downed a whole bunch of more beers and an order of wings, and I gave the waitress my phone number so Matt wouldn't punch me. Sunday I stayed home and watched the Packers squeek out a win. Erik called Sunday night, but I was so drained from the previous few nights that I decided to stay home. Yesterday I left work early because I had a cold that was just killing me. I came home, doped up on cold medicine, and watched All the King's Men and Annie Hall. Today I doped up on cold medicine before going to work so I could work a full day. After coming home I watched the remainder of the Twins game before going to GW for dinner with my mom. Now I intend to go downstairs and watch some more movies, but I need to check my email first.

There if anyone was really interested, now you know what I've been upto the last few days. Ta-da!

posted at 08:22 PM | comments: (0)

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