Friday, September 13, 2002

Oh There's My Desk! ::

I haven't posted an update since Wednesday afternoon not because nothing has happened but rather because I haven't been able to get to my computer since then. In my continuing work on cleaning and reorganizing my bedroon I attacked the closet. The carnage was most heinous, but it seems the battle is dying down and now I can actually access my computer again. The garbage can and the recycling bin have taken quite a hit and much of it may need to be rationed and held over until next week in favor of more urgently disposed of refuse (such as kitchen scraps). It's hard to believe that my room is nearing some sense of order and cleanliness. By the time I'm done it'll probably be the cleanest it's been since we moved into this house over 15 years ago.

This cleaning job has allowed me to re-discover some items I had either forgotten about or didn't realize I still had. In addition to notebooks upon notebooks of things thought lost, I also discovered the NMA handbook, the Freak-of-the-Day book, and the original Innerground among many other things. While I've thrown away quite a bit, rare gems such as those listed above have moved into a new archive.

I didn't go out at all last night, but the night before was the first I'd really left the house since moving back home (not counting the trip to Minnesota or the 2 hours spent at Matt and Carrie's on Labor Day). Wednesday night Matt, Carrie, and I went to the martini bar. We spent quite a bit of time there sipping drinks from glasses that reeked of cleaning fluid. We later went back to their place and watched tv. Ben stopped by with some food from Dahmer-no's but didn't stay long. I left about midnight so they could go to bed. Driving past George Webb I saw that Trixie was working so I stopped in. Shane (of Appleton Imports fame) was there, having just come from a foosball tournament at some bar. I sat at the end of the counter closest to the smoking booths talking to Trixie when she was on break and several others when she wasn't. I hadn't intended to stay long, but she and the other employees kept refilling my coffee cup. Finally sometime after 3 I started hiding my cup so they couldn't keep filling it. I think I made it home by 4.

So the weekend has come and I don't have a job lined up yet. Although it's only been a week since I signed up with the staffing agency my parents are getting antsy for me to find a job. I promised my mom earlier in the week that if the staffing agency hadn't found me anything by the end of the week I'd go put in my application elsewhere come Monday. Well, I guess that's what I'll be doing. I'm not totally penniless though, as a check for my security deposit came today from Minneapolis. I got the full amount back, so that's another $500 to keep me going for a while. My dad is already freaking out about my ability to make my next car insurance payment, and that's not due until the end of November/beggining of December! It's only been 2 weeks yet my parents' nagging is already really getting on my nerves.

posted at 05:31 PM | comments: (0)

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