Saturday, November 18, 2000
It's been another 6 days since I've entered anything here. It's not like anything interesting has happened. Want to know what movies I've seen this week? That's about all that I've done. This week I've seen M (twice), Metropolis, Psycho, Paracelsus, and Safe. I slept a lot early in the week because I had been pretty tired. Wednesday and Thursday nights I was up pretty late chatting with this girl from back home. Apparently I've even met her before, but I don't remember her at all. After the movies tonight (for which total attendance was 40 - not too bad) we went to the Dinkytowner again. Molly and Paul left about 1:15, but Annemarie and I stuck around until about 2:45. Now I'm listening to Asphyxiation and riding the caffeinated energy I picked up with all the coffee I had to drink tonight. Have to work at the film society Saturday night. The first film is at 4:30, so I have leave here at about 2:30. If I want a decent amount of sleep, I'm going to have to go to bed soon even though I'm not tired. Yeah.
posted at 5:36 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2000
I'm not exactly sure why I don't update more often, but it probably has something to do with me never thinking to do it. It isn't necessarily because I'm lazy. Some people seem to mistake ambivalence for laziness. They're just wrong. I don't mean to be so ambivalent, but sometimes there are just better things to do, so I just don't care.

We've been going to the Dinkytowner a lot lately. I guess you could say that we've made it our new hang out. I like the place, but it needs a nickname. I can't come up with anything clever enough to be worthy. If any of you read this and decide to go there, you have to order the chicken strips one time. They make their own honey mustard sauce and it has one hell of a kick to it. Damn!

Apparently people just don't appreciate movies like I do. At Bijou this weekend we showed Death Wish and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. We had a total of 5 people on Friday night and 1 on Saturday night. It should be noted that one man accounted for 3 of those 6 people since he showed up 3 times. I guess people were too busy getting busted for underage drinking to do something worthwhile with their weekend.

Thanksgiving is nearly here. I don't know yet if I'm looking forward to the break or not. I'm getting to the point where I just want the semester to be over and Thanksgiving is just a delay in that process. Phooey!

posted at 4:29 AM
Thursday, November 02, 2000
It dawned on me this evening while sitting in class that today is November 2 and I still hadn't paid my rent. Not that I didn't have the money, it's just that I'd been irresponsible and gotten too caught up in other things to remember to pay. I dropped off my check as soon as I arrived home this evening. Hopefully I don't get too big of a fine for it. Speaking of my class this evening, we watched a really depressing film titled Ladybird Ladybird. Films don't usually get to me emotionally, but it really got to others in my class. For some people it brought out rage. For others, it brought sadness because it caused them to have thoughts about similar situations in their own lives. I guess in some ways I've gotten too detached from feelings to have too many things effect me. What I do know is that I have lots of homework to do this weekend. I'm joyous that the weekend is here, but that's about it. This is going to be a long weekend, so depending upon my own personal apathy, you may have me rap at ya quite a bit this weekend about how tired and worn out and sick of school I am. Too bad I suppose.
posted at 10:37 PM

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