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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fuck the Vikings ::

Okay, let's be honest - the Minnesota Twins are not going to get a stadium approved in 2006. "But Kris," you say, "both the Minnesota House and Senate have passed versions of a bill to approve a stadium for the Twins." Ah, but that's where you're wrong. The House passed a bill which could have been worth it, but once again, those ass-clowns in the Minnesota Senate have fucked the Twins.

You see, the House bill would have financed an open-air ballpark in downtown Minneapolis for the Twins utilizing a combination of private funding by the team and a sales tax in Hennepin County. Oh, and it wouldn't have required a referendum. The Senate bill, on the other hand, includes funding for transportation and new stadiums with retractable roofs for both the Twins and the Vikings. The stadiums would be financed through a combination of private funding by the teams and a sales tax in the seven-county metro area, requiring a November referendum. There are so many problems with the Senate bill that I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, the Vikings don't need a new stadium. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Metrodome as a venue for football. The Metrodome was built less than twenty-five years ago specifically for the Vikings, and there's no reason why they should be given a new stadium. To compound this problem, the idea of a football stadium with a retractable roof is perhaps the most idiotic idea I've heard in my entire life (and I've heard some real whoppers thanks to the many stoners I've had the opportunity to meet). Plus, the Vikings want to build out in the 'burbs, where poor city folk won't be able to attend games. Fuck the Minnesota Vikings and fuck the Minnesota Senate.

Then there is the issue of the retractable roof on a stadium for the Twins. Sure, that would be a nice luxury, but to be entirely honest, it's not necessary. I would hate to see a stadium bill for the Twins get rejected because too many people deem the added cost of a retractable roof an unnecessary luxury.

And finally, no stadium bill, whether it be the House version or the Senate version, is going to pass a public referendum. I guarantee that if legislators put either bill to the people in November, it's going to get rejected, and we'll be right back to square one. I'm so sick of pussy-ass city councils and state legislatures putting everything to referendums. Look, I didn't vote your ass into office so you could turn around and force me to make all the decisions. I have other shit to do with my life. I elect YOU to study the options, weigh the pro's and con's, and make decisions that are in my best interest. If I think you're making decisions that are in my best interest, then I will re-elect. If I think you're not, then I'll help vote you out at the next election. In the mean time, grow some balls and start making some decisions on your own rather than forcing me to vote on it in a referendum. WE LIVE IN A REPUBLIC, NOT A DEMOCRACY.

» Senate passes bill to finance ballpark []

posted at 11:27 AM | comments (0)
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