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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Twins to Unveil Ugly New Jerseys ::

New sleeveless jersey the Twins are set to unveil tomorrow
New sleeveless jersey the Twins are set to unveil tomorrow

I feel like I've just died and gone to hell. I went to the Twins website today and was rudely greeted with the above photo and this quote:

"We've seen some of the other teams around the league have these types of jerseys, and we liked the look," said Brad Ruiter, Twins director of corporate communications. "It's been a few years since we added a uniform to the mix, so we decided to add this sleeveless jersey to our ensemble."

WHAT?! Those sleeveless jerseys worn by other teams are the ugliest fucking things of all time! I've been so proud of the Twins for not joining in on this horrible trend for so long (I can't believe I never posted on how ugly sleeveless jerseys are - I know I meant to), and now it's all been ruined. Let's all hope that Carlos Silva is the only one who ever elects that the team use them on his day, because these sleeveless jerseys being sported around the league are friggin' ugly! Blah.

» Twins unveil new jerseys for '06 []

posted at 07:19 PM | comments (0)
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